The following terms and conditions apply:

The number of sessions is based on the clients needs and can be discussed and extended verbally. The client is aware
that psychotherapy does not include any assessment or treatment of physical issues and is not a substitute for medical treatment. If the client experiences illness or medical conditions, they need to consult with a medical doctor.

Method of Payment: Payment  is to be made either via bank transfer, PayPal or cash. The client will receive an invoice for each session. The client is aware that according to „Heilpraktikergesetz“, sessions cannot be claimed back from German public health
insurance and have to be paid privately. VAT applies in most cases for couples counselling.

Termination: Couples counseling can be terminated at any time. However, it is recommended to talk about the ending in your sessions, so that potential issues can be discussed. In case of purchasing a discounted package, the prepaid sessions cannot be reimbursed if the counselling process is terminated prematurely on part of the client.

Holidays  and contact between sessions: I will let the client know as soon as possible if I intend to take a holiday or in case of illness and will therefore not be able to provide therapy during that period. In this case sessions will be rescheduled to a later point. Contact between sessions can be made by email, however, this is limited to the purpose of arranging or rearranging
appointments. Substantive issues will be discussed during sessions.

Cancellation: The minimum notice period required for cancelling, changing or postponing a counseling appointment is 24 hours. For cancellations beyond this time period, the session will be charged as previously agreed. Changing an appointment to a date/time, other than previously agreed on, is subject to the next possible availability. I will do my best to accommodate any preferences.

Note: If you experience any symptoms of illness please inform me beforehand. Thank you for understanding that I have to keep the health of other people in mind and can therefore not meet you in person. However, if you feel well enough
we can meet online, otherwise the session needs to be cancelled (the 24 hours policy applies).

In case of purchasing a seminar or online program, you can cancel your booking up to two weeks beforehand. Please note that a cancellation fee of 50€ will be charged. For cancellations beyond this time period, reimbursements are not possible.

Confidentiality: All sessions are kept confidential except if the client’s safety or the safety of others is at risk. Sessions with children are discussed with their caregivers on a regular basis.  The work of the therapist is discussed anonymously in professional supervision, which is also bound by confidentiality. If the client requests the therapist to breach confidentiality (e.g. for a report or statement) the therapist needs a written release from confidentiality.

Further information:
Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie are not allowed to give medical advice or write certificates.
Process notes and information on the client are stored confidentially as required by law.

Information on data protection: Data and information on the client are stored confidentially as required by law. Clients receive written information regarding the protection of their data. Please see the Datenschutz on this website to find further information on data protection, when visiting this website.


